Vegetable hamburger

Carrot-sweet potato hamburger

Our new recipe for human consumption is a vegetable hamburger, i.e., a carrot-sweet potato hamburger. Ingredients Hamburger buns Tangzhong Carrot-sweet potato hamburger patties Hamburger sauce Other ingredients Step-by-Step Instructions Hamburger buns Carrot-sweet potato hamburger patties Hamburger sauce Making the hamburger Related Posts Tuna-Red Kidney Beans Salad with Quail Eggs Tuna-Red Kidney Beans Salad with Quail…

Despite the pranks, who could be angry with this cute cat?

A mirror, a master, and an eternal love – Cats and spirituality through the eyes of a cat owner (Part 2)

In this new part of the blog post series called Cats and spirituality, I continue to detail the concepts that our cats can teach us. I also support them by many practical examples. Forgiveness Yes, these lovely furry little souls also try to teach us forgiveness, which is also an important spiritual teaching. Through it,…

Watching a relaxing cat can make you calm.

A mirror, a master, and an eternal love – Cats and spirituality through the eyes of a cat owner

In this blog post series, I want to share with you a more serious and spiritual topic: Cats and spirituality through the eyes of a cat owner. Cats were already treated as gods in Ancient Egypt, and then in the “Dark” Middle Ages, they were associated with witchcraft and were persecuted. You can see through…

Two lions

Maine Coon vs Lion

In my current diary entry we fly back to March 20, 2020. Are Maine Coons really like mini lions? Can a Maine Coon be as big as a lion in a Maine Coon vs lion size competition? I will show you the answer. I will also show you what a clever and smart hunter I…

The standard of a cat breed is very important to a reputable breeder.

What is the difference between a reputable breeder and a propagator?

What is the difference between a reputable breeder and a propagator? How can you recognize propagators? You can get answers to these questions by reading this blog post. As I have already described in my blog post named ”How much can a Maine Coon kitten cost and what does the price depend on?” you shouldn’t…