Heart Stealer Ti'ramisu is a 8-week-old kitten.

How much can a Maine Coon kitten cost and what does the price depend on?

It is a frequently asked question in forums: How much does a Maine Coon kitten cost? I’d like to state in advance that in this blog post, I don’t want to write about propagators. However, as I will write in one of my following articles you shouldn’t support propagators.

Although their kittens are sold at a lower price, the standard of the breed is degraded. They often sell a sick kitten or a kitten later suffering from illnesses. For this reason, the owner can then pay the expensive treatment costs, not to mention that he/she has supported the reproduction of other kittens suffering from illnesses. It is important to state that a cat without a pedigree certificate cannot be considered a Maine Coon, at most ”Maine Coon-like”.

The price of a Maine Coon kitten can vary from breeder to breeder. However, the prices aren’t uniform in the case of one breeder either. Previous research is important when choosing the right breeder. You can read more about it here.

Tirus is 12 weeks old.
Tirus is 12 weeks old

Heart Stealer Ti’ramisu was born at the end of 2018. I bought him in 2019. After doing a little research on the Internet, the price of Maine Coon kittens has also increased since then. According to 2021 data kittens for pets are already available for 200 000-250 000 HUF (497-621,33 EUR). In the case of the price of the kittens sold for breeding the sky is the limit.  

What does the price of a Maine Coon kitten depend on?

The price of a kitten depends on several things. Many of those who criticize why pedigree kittens are so expensive don’t even think about these reasons. The amount, that a Maine Coon kitten costs is complex.

These factors include:

  • the origin of parents
  • the color of the kitten
  • gender
  • breeder’s costs

Breeders’ costs

Many people think that breeding is a very profitable profession. However, breeders have fixed and variable costs in addition to the costs and taxes of their enterprise. Many people don’t think of the costs of a breeder, which are all included in the price of a kitten.

This includes the purchase cost of the parents. If, for example, one of the parent cats is self-breeding, then the price of a kitten is usually less than that of a fluffy kitten with parents from abroad. Cat show costs are also borne by the breeder. As I mentioned earlier, there may be price differences within litter (color, gender).

There are kittens who need to be fed with special food by the breeder. Since these aren’t cheap either, the price of these is also included in the breeder’s costs. Added to this, are the costs of keeping the parents, such as feeding them with premium cat food, their cat litter, and veterinary costs. For example, a pregnant female has to be taken to a veterinary examination several times, but the breeders also have to pay substantial sums for the health testing of the breeding stock.  

Many people wouldn't even imagine how many costs are included in the price of a kitten.
Many people wouldn’t even imagine how many costs are included in the price of a kitten

How much does a Maine Coon kitten cost to the breeder?

Similar costs arise in the case of kittens during their time at the breeder. Good breeders feed their animals with premium quality dry and wet food as well as meat. Kittens also need cat litter after a certain time. Toys and cat furniture are also necessary accessories for a cattery. In the case of small kittens, veterinary costs such as chipping, deworming, and combi vaccinations also cost money.  

Of course, it also does matter what kind of living conditions the kittens grow up in. Sometimes it is necessary to repaint the walls or repair other damages after the kittens have “flied out”. So, it also represents an expensive cost for the breeder. However, a good cattery provides for this as well and supplies the kittens’ room with cat furniture and toys suitable for them. This contributes a lot to their later nature and socialization.

Other costs of a breeder

In a good cattery, the kittens come with a health guarantee and a so-called breeder follow-up system. It also has a cost, but in return, the happy cat owner can confidently contact the breeder in case of any problems.

In addition, the price of a kitten is also influenced by whether he/she will be sold as a pet or for breeding purposes furthermore, whether the kitten will be sold inland or abroad.

It should be noted that a good breeder educates himself/herself, by attending animal health and breeder training courses, such as the Pawpeds. These also have costs.

It is essential, not to fall for propagators, who claim that a kitten is cheaper without a pedigree certificate. It only costs 2000-3000 HUF (5-8 EUR in Hungary). In this case, please do not buy a kitten, because in this way you are only supporting the work of propagators.

Adult cats removed from the breeding

For those, who don’t want to spend so much money on a pedigree Maine Coon kitten, a good option is to buy a ”retired” cat with a pedigree certificate. These cats have been removed from breeding, and are sterilized for pet purposes. The price of these cats can be a fraction of the price of a kitten.

However, well-known breeders also screen the future owners, just like in the case of kittens. Adequate care, play, and feeding with premium food are still prerequisites.

In summary, it can be said that the price of a Maine Coon kitten varies by breeders (since higher quality breeders sell kittens at a higher price), per litter, and within litters. That is, why it is important in every case, that you inquire at the particular breeder in the case of the selected kitten, and not start searching for the price of similar kittens, for example, on the website of another breeder.

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