Tirus moved to his new home after he was 12 weeks old.

Maine Coon kitten for sale

Nowadays, you can find many ads (like Maine Coon kitten for sale) on the Internet. It’s good to know that you can also find the ads of good breeders on the Internet. Let’s look at the depth of what kind of ads you can read (in connection with Maine Coon kittens for sale) and what…

Althena and Ti'ramisu on the cat-proof balcony

The beginning of a new friendship – The true story of how Ti’ramisu and Althena became good friends – Part 2

By the end of the first week, it seemed that although introducing a new cat to an old one is sometimes not easy, it is not impossible. Let’s see the second week of our story! Day 8 – July 21, 2023 On Friday, we ate close to each other. There was no more blowing, grunting,…

The beginning of a new friendship.

The beginning of a new friendship – The true story of how Ti’ramisu and Althena became good friends – Part 1

I have decided to make public the entries in my diary, in which I’m writing about how my life was turned upside down by the end of a day that normaly started. Some days before that day, my beloved Meowmy mentioned the word Althena to me many times, showed me a photo of a cat,…

Maine Coons don't need to be bathed.

Fur care of Maine Coon cats

Fur care of medium-longed and long- haired cats is especially important, because improperly cared fur can become tangled. Underneath the knots these can lead to skin inflammation. Different cat breeds have different fur structures, so the appropriate fur care technique should always be taken into account. In this blog post, I’ll mainly deal with the…

Black cats look like miniature panthers.

Beliefs and superstitions about black cats

Countless beliefs and superstitions are connected to cats, to these special creatures, both domestically and internationally. Some of these are contradictory, for example there are countries where (unlike our culture in Hungary) a black cats are considered especially lucky. This also shows that we shouldn’t attach so much importance to these old beliefs, especially concerning…

Choosing the right vet is very important for your cat's healthy and happy life.

Tips for choosing the right vet

Choosing the right vet is very important, so I’m dedicating a whole blog post to this topic. According to the article written by the Hungarian Veterinary Chamber owners in Hungary are currently free to choose a vet. This decision is made on trust, which has one important prerequisite: the chosen vet must have a chamber…

Roasted rabbit with Tirus

Roasted rabbit in cream sauce with sweet potatoes

The inspiration for Meowmy’s roasted rabbit recipe (for humans) is made of one of our favorite meat, rabbit meat. Théni and I like to eat cat food made from it so much. By eating rabbit meat, your meal is not only delicious but also healthy. Ingredients (for Two) Step-by-Step Instructions Garnish: Roasted sweet potatoes Related…