Tirus on his cat tree. Responsible cat ownership.

23+1 questions to answer to a responsible cat ownership

Responsible cat ownership comes with many obligations and abdications. Let’s see what they are! Are you ready for them? Related Posts The dream kitten was finally born! Choosing a kitten is a complicated, responsible, and time-consuming process. First, we have to choose the right and reliable breeder, Read more How much can a Maine Coon…

Tirus is a happy indoor Maine Coon cat

Should you keep your cat indoor or outdoor? Which one is better for your cat?

It is an eternal topic in cat forums and Internet communities, whether it is better to keep cats indoors or outdoors. So let’s take a closer look at this topic. Cats kept indoors are expected to live longer. However, those who prefer outdoor keeping keep saying that cats are born free and can’t live closed…

Traveling with a cat. Tirus with his cat carrier.

Traveling with a cat

In case of pedigree cats the problem often arises in summer, what to do with the cat. For outdoor cat owners this problem is less problematic. If they are in a good relationship with their neighbours, they only have to ask them to give food and water to the cat. But what about indoor cats?…