Tirus with a pumpkin decoration. To make this pumpkin is a funny cat time.

5+1 essential tips for taking great, well-adjusted cat photos

How to take great, well-adjusted pictures of your cat? What should you do if your little pet is not exactly a photo model?

I have brought you 5+1 tried and tested methods to eliminate the above problems. With the help of these tips, you can take your cat photos in front of a composed scenery.

Cat photo with autumn decoration.
Final result – Tirus with the autumn decorations
  1. Have a photogenic cat who loves being a photo model and will stay calm in front of your beautifully composed scenery.
  2. What can you do if your kitten does not meet the criteria described in point 1?
    • Play with him/her! In the best case, the cat will be tired enough to stay still before the set.
    • It is worth luring your cat to the scenery during the game. You can also get good photo moments while playing.
    • Try to lure him to the set with tasty reward snacks! If you’re lying in wait with your camera and you’re lucky, you can take great photos.
    • Ask a family member or friend to use a cat toy to lure the kitten to the set. If this is successful, continue to distract the kitten with the toy, or try to direct the kitten’s gaze towards the camera while playing!
    • If none of the above tips have succeeded, schedule another day for taking photos when you think His Majesty is more in the photo model mood.
    • However, if you absolutely must take photos on the day, make a video recording of your cat who has been lured to the composed scenery! After that, you can easily cut out pictures (even with Print Screen) from the recorded video. It is not the most professional solution the quality of the image will not be as if it had been taken as a photograph in the first place, but it works.
  3. If you are still a beginner and do not have professional photography equipment, set up the scenery in a place where natural light comes through the window. Make sure to avoid sunlight that comes to your camera from an opposite window! It will make the photo pale in color!
  4. It is forbidden to use the built-in flash in a mobile phone or camera!
  5. With much love and patience, you can take great photos of cats that are not photo models in their natures.
Tirus is getting to know the fox decoration.
It wasn’t an easy photo shoot – Tirus is getting to know the fox

Now let’s follow our so far super secret proven method!

If none of the methods described above lead to results and our furry photo model does not want to stay close to the set, this is our winning method.

I always wait until Tirus finds a cozy place somewhere, and then I move the elements of the scenery to him. Of course, even in this case, you may still have to manage your cat to look into the camera. However, this method usually results in a large proportion of well-done photos.

Tirus still doesn't want to be a photo model. Tirus with the autumn decorations.
Tirus still doesn’t want to be a photo meowdel
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