Tirus moved to his new home after he was 12 weeks old.

Maine Coon kitten for sale

Nowadays, you can find many ads (like Maine Coon kitten for sale) on the Internet. It’s good to know that you can also find the ads of good breeders on the Internet. Let’s look at the depth of what kind of ads you can read (in connection with Maine Coon kittens for sale) and what…

Tirus on his cat tree. Responsible cat ownership.

23+1 questions to answer to a responsible cat ownership

Responsible cat ownership comes with many obligations and abdications. Let’s see what they are! Are you ready for them? Related Posts The dream kitten was finally born! Choosing a kitten is a complicated, responsible, and time-consuming process. First, we have to choose the right and reliable breeder, Read more How much can a Maine Coon…

Heart Stealer Ti'ramisu is a 8-week-old kitten.

How much can a Maine Coon kitten cost and what does the price depend on?

It is a frequently asked question in forums: How much does a Maine Coon kitten cost? I’d like to state in advance that in this blog post, I don’t want to write about propagators. However, as I will write in one of my following articles you shouldn’t support propagators. Although their kittens are sold at…