Tirus is a happy indoor Maine Coon cat

Should you keep your cat indoor or outdoor? Which one is better for your cat?

It is an eternal topic in cat forums and Internet communities, whether it is better to keep cats indoors or outdoors. So let’s take a closer look at this topic.

Cats kept indoors are expected to live longer. However, those who prefer outdoor keeping keep saying that cats are born free and can’t live closed within the four walls.

So, should you keep your cat indoor or outdoor? Which one is better?

I have several experiences with outside kept cats, so I clearly vote for keeping them indoors. In this blog post I try to prove this objectively with my own examples.

The dangers of keeping your cats outside

  • infectious cat diseases
  • road traffic
  • poisoning
  • dogs
  • predators, whose prey animals can be cats
  • source of stress
  • stealing your cat
  • the bad effect of cats for the environment (there are many endangered and rare birds, small mammals and reptiles, who are the preys of cats)

In addition, keeping your cat outside can cause bad neighborly relations. Many people don’t even think that their irresponsibly not neutralised cats, who go to the neighbours, mark everything there, poop in the neighbour’s garden, etc.

I have also heard from many irresponsible people the statement, that cats are ”stock of consumables”, as if they were just objects. I’d like to note in parentheses, whether these people would say the same, if they had to spend hundreds of thousands of forints (about or more than 500 euros) for an animal? (Well, they are the group that asks you the question: How could you spend so much money on a cat?)

Furthermore, I would ask them what they would do if someone caught their beloved cat. Unfortunately, I have heard more than one such case about domestic cats, that the owner of the cat knows, the cat is fed in several places.

In addition, those who argue in favor of keeping the cats outside, claim that if they are neutralized they won’t wander, so they can’t be stolen. I can give you two examples to refute this statement. Unfortunately, one of them is my own experience. And not to mention New Year’s Eve, when the number of missing cats and dogs increases as a result of firecrackers and fireworks.

Keeping your cat indoor and outdoor

Indoor-outdoor keeping, unless the cat has a cat-proof enclosure, can also lead to dangerous and senseless death due to the above described dangers of outdoor keeping. Indoor-outdoor cats are therefore threatened by the same sources of danger as outdoor cats.

Pedigree cats and the obligation of keeping them indoor

Now let’s move on to pedigree cats, especially to Maine Coons. How many times have I heard that poor Tirus lives his whole life between the four walls, as if he was locked in a prison.

Tirus is a happy indoor Maine Coon cat
Tirus is a happy indoor Maine Coon cat

Unfortunately, the vast majority of people are not even aware of what a pedigree cat actually is. He/she goes with contractual obligations. According to this, keeping them indoors is mandatory, but since they like fresh air, they can go out on a cat-proof balcony or enclosure. Braver owners also can take their cats for a walk with a harness and leash.

Walking with a harness as an option

And here comes the next question into account. Why, don’t you at least walk that poor cat with a harness and leash?

  • I’ve already thought about it, but since Tirus often jumps up on the kitchen table his paws should be disinfected after a walk, but I don’t want to expose him to so many chemicals. (Yes, I know, he also climbs into the cat litter box.)
  • My other fear is that he would swallow something on the street in a careless moment.
  • For third reason is the suggestion of our vet. He says, it would be a great source of stress for Tirus, if I would take him for a wolk once in a blue month.

By the way, walking with a harness is also a sharing method. According to its opponents it can also be dangerous, since cats are very resourceful creatures, so they can free themselves from harnesses. Loud noises outside can be a source of stress for cats.

I can personally see how well the cats I follow on Instagram are walking and enjoying outdoors. I would like to emphasize here, that it is important to consult about this plan and the necessary vaccinations with your vet in this case.

As far as I’m concerned, I would prefer the backpacks made for cats or pet strollers.

Now, Tirus has his favourite balcony, where he can take some fresh air. I would like to note here, that under no circumstances should you exclude your cat to the balcony. Allow your cat to walk freely in and out. It is a good way to cool in the room during the summer heat.

I only let out Tirus for a few minutes in winter. He usually comes in after a while. Or he just sits in the line of the balcony door and sniffs the fresh air.

As you can see from the blog post cats do love fresh air. The task of a careful owner is to create a safe way of being outside, which doesn’t endanger the health of his/her cat, but enables your beloved cat a happier life.

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