Black cats look like miniature panthers.

Beliefs and superstitions about black cats

Countless beliefs and superstitions are connected to cats, to these special creatures, both domestically and internationally. Some of these are contradictory, for example there are countries where (unlike our culture in Hungary) a black cats are considered especially lucky. This also shows that we shouldn’t attach so much importance to these old beliefs, especially concerning black cats, from the ”dark” Middle Ages.

Well, let’s see those superstitions and beliefs! In my article, I’ll go into more detail about black cats and the negative judgments related to them, that have unfortunately persisted from the Middle Ages to the present days. I don’t want to judge, but first of all, people, who are still thinking this way, „live” unfortunately still in the ”dark” Middle Ages.

Fortunately, there are not only negative superstitions about our purring pets. We can also find positive beliefs about cats in different nations. I won’t say much more, let’s start our journey in the world of cat superstitions!

Black cats look like miniature panthers.
Black cats look like miniature panthers

Cats as weather forecasters

In folk belief, countless observations have been made that cats can predict the following weather phenomena.

  • It will rain, if the cat doesn’t go hunting, because he is sleepy.
  • Rain is expected, if the cat cleans the base of his ears.
  • Cold weather is expected if the cat is looking for a warm place.
  • It will be cold weather if the cat sits by the stove.

Positive beliefs about black cats

  1. Russia
    • His touch has healing powers.
    • Protects against diseases.
  2. Great-Britain
    •  Sailors consider it lucky, if a black cat is on board.
    • It means a good thing, if a cat run in front of someone on the road.
  3. African-American tradition
    • Whoever crosses the road in front of a cat or sees a cat will be lucky.

Negative beliefs about black cats

Most of these originate from the so-called ”dark” Middle Ages, and unfortunately are still alive today in some circles.

  • An evil being allied with dark forces.
  • Witches turn into cats at night.
  • If a black cat crosses the road in front of someone on the road from right to left, it will bring bad luck for that person.

Negative superstitions through the eyes of a black cat owner

Many of you don’t know yet, but some years ago my family had a black cat named Kormi. The whole family loved him, he was a really special cat, not to mention his nature. I don’t believe in superstitions anyway, but that is also why it deeply upsets me, when even today, someone is looking to neutralize the ”curse” if a black cat crosses the road in front of them or sees a black cat. I ask such people, do they think that whoever is gifted with such a beautiful mini black panther will be unlucky for the rest of his/her life anytimes he/she sees his/her cat?

Kormi on the couch.
Kormi on the couch

We just need to think about things a little and then we wouldn’t have queues of ”good for nothing” black cats and dogs waiting for their future owner in animal shelters. I ask, what did these animals do to be so feared? I was lucky enough to grow up with a black poodle, he was my best friend. Her nature was especially beautiful, just like the nature of Kormi.

Black cats and dogs living in shelters

As a volunteer at an animal shelter I have already walked with a black dog. No dog enjoyed being stroked as much as he did. Everyone should have seen those grateful eyes. With the dog recharged with energy from being stroked, we started a fun run after each stroking.

I have heard from several places that shelters won’t even give black cats for adoption around Halloween, because some evil people may hurt them.


The cult of cats has come a long way, in the beginning, for example they were considered sacred animals in ancient Egypt. Then they were persecuted in the Middle Ages. Today some cats live in well-deserved prosperity, while others are thrown out on the streets and are being hurt.

But don’t be discouraged, our dear cat-loving readers! I believe that everyone can help prevent the hurtful behavior that still affects black cats today. The more we come to their defense, the more likely it is that the abusive treatment of them will decrease. Unless someone manages to convince 1 out of 10 people, it is already a success. That one person can also convince another person and so on.

Please, if you agree with me and want to help black cats, share this blog post with as many people as possible. We thank you in advance for your sharing!

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