15 tips to make your indoor cat happy

15 tips to make your indoor cat happy

Did you know that Happy Cat Month is held in September? On this occasion, I have collected 15 tips to make your indoor cat happy.

  1. Try to spend as much time as possible with your cat!
  2. Play with your cat every day!
  3. Buy to your cat new cat toys from time to time, or put away one of the old ones for a while!
  4. Feed your cat with premium cat foods. The amount of vitamins and nutrients, that these cat foods contain is important to keep your cat healthy.
  5. Reward your beloved cat with natural snackies!
  6. Give to your cat fresh and clean water every day!
  7. Place scratching posts or scratch pads in several rooms of your home!
  8. Clean the cat toilet daily! Disinfect the cat toilet every 3-4 weeks and replace the whole cat litter!
  9. Use as many cat toilets as matches the number of your cats! Experts usually recommend to use one more cat toilet, than the number of your cats is.
  10. Don’t let your cat out into the garden! If you want him to breathe, make him a cat-proof balcony or a cat-proof enclosure. If you don’t have the opportunity to do so, you can walk your cat with a harness and leash, or in the cat carrier backpack.
  11. Create a stimulating environment for your indoor cat, so that your four-legged family member doesn’t get bored!
  12. Make your home cat-friendly!
  13. At least once a year, take your cat to the vet for an annual check-up and to give your cat the mandatoryatory annual vaccinations, and to put a chip in the cat!
  14. With the exception of cats with breeding purpose, it is necessary to neuter the kittens!
  15. Take care of your cat’s proper care! (e.g.: fur care, dental care)
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