Althena and Ti'ramisu on the cat-proof balcony

5 safe solutions to indoor cats to explore the outside world

You can read in my previous blog post about the indoor-outdoor keeping of cats and about my opinion of it. I’m clearly in favor of indoor cats, so in keeping cats indoors.

To tell the truth, I don’t even understand people who spend a huge amount of money on a cat with a pedigree certificate and then ask a question on the Internet, whether he/she can keep his/her Maine Coon in the garden.  If you buy your cat from a conscious breeder, questions like this are equal to a breach of contract. So, we can have an opinion, that such an owner has bought his/her cat from a not suitable breeder or from a propagator.

The outside world through the eyes of an indoor cat

Every conscious cat owner knows how much cats like sitting on the windowsill waching birds, insects and cars. Outside world means so many exciting things for cats. However, it also means dangers and frustration for cats. So, if you would like to introduce the outside world to His/Her Majesty (and expand the boundaries of his/her empire), then you should do that with caution.

Ways to explore the world

The contract of a conscious breeder includes (in addition to indoor keeping) the possibilities by which a kitten can explore the world. These are the following:

  • cat-proof balcony
  • cat-proof enclosure
  • walking with a harness
  • other cat safe solutions

There are cats, who live happily their whole life among the four walls. They leave their empire only in the case of vet visits. There is no problem with this, as long as they are provided with an environment rich in stimuli.

Cat-proof balcony

Tirus was 1.5-year old, when he took possession of our cat-proof balcony. This opened up a new world to him. He spends some time on his favourite chest of drawers even in winter. It was very important to me, that I can let Tirus even alone on the balcony. I wholeheartedly recommend the solution to our readers, whose flat owns a balcony, that it should be made cat-proof. Believe me, you can please your four-legged family member with it.

Althena and Ti'ramisu on the cat-proof balcony
Althena and Ti’ramisu on the cat-proof balcony

Cat-proof enclosure

The lucky cat owners, who live in a house with a garden, can build a cat-proof enclosure for their cat. You should also clean the floor of the enclosure. The top of the net should be a lattice roof, so that your cat couldn’t climb out of it.

Other ways to explore the world

You don’t have to be discouraged, if you don’t have a balcony or a garden. If you’d like, there are many ways to bring safely outside your cat.

These are the following:

  • walking with a harness
  • pet stroller
  • hiking with your cat in a backpack
  • holiday

Cat walking with a harness

When walking your cat with a harness it is very important to pay attention to the cat’s reaction to the environment and to follow his pace. It is best, if you  are accustomed your indoor tiger to walking with a harness from an early age. In any case, it is never too late to get your cat used to a harness. It turns out whether he/she likes it or not.

I consider it important to choose the right harness and a safe walking place. It is not worth choosing a park that is littered with garbage or often frequented by dogs, because of the unwanted diseases and infections.

I consider a nearby forest or clearing to be the most suitable place, where there is less danger for cats. You can bring your cat there in a panorama backpack (made for cats), by car or by public transport.

Pet stroller

Nowadays, there are more and more places where you can meet pet strollers. It can be a good solution for walking to the veterinary clinic located nearby or for a walk in a nearby park. I saw a pet stroller live for the first time at a cat show.

A trip with your cat in a backpack

Nowadays, it is becoming more and more popular for conscientious owners to take their cat for a trip in a panoramic, well-breathable backpack, made specifically for pets. As a Maine Coon cat owner it is important to buy the backpack that is the right size for your adult cat. You should also be prepared for carrying a Maine Coon. Male cats of this breed can weigh up to 10-12 kg.

Going on holiday with a cat

You can read about the problems arising from a holiday and their solutions here. Now I just wanna notice that if you would like to take your cat with you, you should get him/her used to walking with a harness and if necessary a backpack.

To travel with your cat, you will need a cat carrier box.
To travel with your cat, you will need a cat carrier box

What does the world mean for Tirus?

Tirus has lived a happy, well-balanced life in a stimulating environment among the 4 walls until his age of 1.5 years.  However, at the age of 1.5 years a little corner of the world has opened to him. Even before, he enjoyed spending time on the windowsill. Now that our balcony became cat-proof, he  can bird-watching and relaxing, by being in the fresh air.

Finally, I’d like to end this blog post with something terribly important. If you are taking your cat on vacation with you, or if you’d like to walk with your cat in harness or going with your cat in a backpack on a trip, then you should consult your vet beforehand. He/she can give your pet the appropriate vaccination. Small combination vaccination is enough for indoor cats, but big combination is needed when you take out your cat. We are asked about it every time by our vet, when Tirus gets his annual vaccination and check-out. If you travel abroad other documents are also needed and perhaps other vaccinations. About these requirements you should also ask your vet.

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