
Getting to know my new home – The beginnings

I decided to start writing my secret diary.

And why is it secret?

Because even my Meowmy doesn’t know about it. šŸ™‚

So many emotions, humor, and pranks that she has no idea about.

I already felt, that I was in a very good place on the first day in my new home. My owner patiently and lovingly tried to get me to come out from behind the bed, where I hid shortly after my arrival.

As the new day arrived, I couldn’t contain my curiosity. My beloved Meowmy tried to lure me out from behind the bed with a beautifully colored feather pole. And she succeeded.

Ti'ramisu with the feather pole on his first day in his new home.
Ti’ramisu with the feather pole on his first day in his new home

To her great delight, I began to play and I even allowed her to stroke me.

Little by little I began to discover my new home, my empire, but that will be the subject of another diary entry.

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