To travel with your cat, you will need a cat carrier box.

Is the fur care of a Maine Coon easy?

In today’s entry of my secret diary, we fly back in time until 29.03.2020. It turns out that the fur care of a stubborn Maine Coon is not easy.


Hiding from Comb Boogey
Hiding from Comb Boogey

According to Meowmy, such a big cat should not be scared of the comb like a small mouse of the kitten. I think playing hide and seek is much better than combing, so after half a minute I decided to hide in my cat transport box.

Of course, Meowmy immediately interpreted this to mean that I was running away from the Comb Boogey again. In her words, “the look tells everything again… a little huffy and sulky cat (that would be me). But when he ventured out of the lion’s cave, he let himself be combed for about another half a minute… Then a little napping, and then even with such an honor he was purring in my lap for a few seconds…”

See? I think this whole Comb Boogey thing is only blown up by Meowmy. In any case, I will honestly admit to you that although I know that combing is necessary several times a week, I still do not like this activity.

And what about Théni?

Well, she’s not a fan of grooming either, but she tolerates it better than I do. In any case, she also likes to play hide and seek almost every time she sees the comb in Meowmy’s hands.

Do you also think the table looks better without a tablecloth?
Do you also think the table looks better without a tablecloth?

In my previous diary entry you may have already read about my love for interior design.

Théni and I also like to play hide and seek under the tablecloth, but at that time I decided to have a rest under the table without the tablecloth.

And how did Meowmy interpret all this?

Well, according to her, the cat energy in me was too much and that’s why I refurnished our home. Then I relaxed with a satisfied face and admired my “work of art”. I heard her say this to someone on the device called mobile phone: “I think it’s become a little pigsty again around the table, but I don’t tell him (I mean, me) that (with the logic of a cat, it must be prettier)… I just make him feel slightly that the tablecloth is prettier on the table and put it back, saying to Tirus that it will be better for you if you can play hide and seek under it…

Do you understand why she always judge my ambitious interior design ideas as bad deeds?

There is nothing better than napping on the bed with the belly full of delicious food.
There is nothing better than napping on the bed with the belly full of delicious food.

Well, now the little belly is full… I’m taking a nap at the feet of my beloved Meowmy… Anyway, before my delicious dinner, I flattered her a lot today. I purred and even asked for a petting my belly… I presented my entire Meowmy charming repertoire. Anyway, I often cuittle to her because I love her very much. It’s just that many people can’t even imagine this about me because of my His Majesty behavior in front of others.

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