The beginning of a new friendship.

The beginning of a new friendship – The true story of how Ti’ramisu and Althena became good friends – Part 1

I have decided to make public the entries in my diary, in which I’m writing about how my life was turned upside down by the end of a day that normaly started. Some days before that day, my beloved Meowmy mentioned the word Althena to me many times, showed me a photo of a cat, and asked me to be friendly with her. However, to be honest, I didn’t understand anything about Althena.

Meowmy even got a new cat toilet and moved my favorite scratching post to a new place. I didn’t understand what this big new home decor craziness was all about.

At last, the great day arrived, which I first referred to as the day of my dethronement. Meowmy left early in the morning and took my cat carrier with her. Another strange thing… However, I was relaxing at home, until suddenly something happened. To my great joy, Meowmy came home late in the afternoon.

Day 1 – July 14, 2023

I remember that this day that totally changed my life was Friday. Meowmy arrived home around a quarter past six in the evening. The situation was mystical, because she was talking to someone in the hall. Furthermore, I also smelled unknown smells.

Firstly, Meowmy greeted me with great joy, petted me, and called me her “Little Treasure” and “Everything”. I was very happy that she finally came home. The best thing is when we are together at home, in my kingdom. I even received a delicious dinner from my Meowmy.

Then came the the surprise “the introduction”. Suddenly, the newcomer, the usurper (as I thought at that time), that other creature, the another cat, whom the owner calls Althena, appeared in the bedroom.

Althena, the Newcomer in one of her favorite hiding places.
Althena, the Newcomer in one of her favorite hiding places

When I noticed her, I immediately started growling and hissing, but not only at the newcomer… no… but also at Meowmy and her boyfriend…

How could you do this to me? With “Your Little Treasure… Who is this unknown creature you brought? A usurper? In my empire? I thought you loved me, but now you’re coming home with an intruder?

I morphed on these questions, all the while just moaning and hissing. Yes, I saw on Meowmy’s face that she was completely upset that I was growling and hissing even at her, too. In the 4 and a half years we’ve already been living together for 4 and a half years, and I was only growling once when she was trying to get a tangle out of my beautiful fur.

Suddenly, my Meowmy dared to come to me despite my growling. She stroked me and stroked me under my chin, which I love so much. Then she carried me from the balcony to the bedroom in his lap… and I let it to her, because I loved her so much despite what happened.

Day 2 – July 15, 2023

On the next day (on Saturday), I was still grumpy and decided to bring all this to the attention of Meowmy. I moved out to my favorite balcony and refused to enter our home, my own empire. Meowmy brought out the new litter box for me. I also got feeding and drinking bowls.

Finally, being a curious cat, I ventured into the kitchen for a while.

Althena, who is also a Maine Coon, would have befriended me, but I continued to hiss and growl at her (not to Meowmy anymore). The distance seemed to ease.

Althena, i.e. Théni, behaved surprisingly bravely. She began to make friends with our flat, i.e. my empire, and began to explore it. The curious creature also climbed places and played with toys that I didn’t really used.

Althena, whom Meowmy only called as blue-eyed Maine Coon Princess, or Théni, Thénike, Thénus, already drank regularly, ate wet and dry food. I saw from the balcony that they played with Meowmy several times during the day.

Then I thought, it’s not good to be only outside our balcony after all. Furthermore, to occupy my own home, and curiosity also drove me inside. I ventured into the living room. According to Meowmy, while I was taking a good nap on the table, Althena touched her nose to my back. And imagine that there was even a photo taken of this.

Althena after sniffing me in the living room.
Althena after sniffing me in the living room

Despite my behavior Théni was so friendly to me. She was also driven by curiosity, and since she has lived in a cattery, she was used to living with many cats. However, Meowmy also understood me. I haven’t met any other cats since I was a kitten (only people like Meowmy). I’ve been only living with her in our home.

Day 3 – July 16, 2023

They say that every miracle lasts for three days. Well, it was no different in my case.

On Sunday, I was relaxing and napping a lot in the living room. I also went out to the kitchen several times. Here, it is true that we were at a decent distance from each other, but both of us had breakfast together with the “Little Newcomer”. Although at dinner I made her feel that still I was the boss of the house. However, I thought later, that I shouldn’t have done this. Since that time I share my own food with her.

To the great joy of Meowmy, we were relaxing closer and closer to each other in the living room. I’ve already allowed them to play close to me, but I haven’t joined the game yet.

Théni with one of my favorite cat toys.
Théni with one of my favorite cat toys

During the day, it also revealed that Théni likes to sharpen her claws horizontally. Fortunately, there was even a horizontal scratch pad at home, which I did not use. What a big joy!  Even this scratch pad wasn’t bought in vain. Now, it has a function and not as a dust-catcher!

Day 4. – July 17, 2023

At dawn on Monday, I was relaxing at the end of the window sill of our balcony, and Théni was relaxing at the other side of the window sill in the living room. And then the miracle happened… we sniffed each other with our noses.

Théni, or as it turned out at that time the other “Elf”, was balanced that day, too. She played a lot with our Meowmy, asked her for stroking, and of course teased me. She ventured closer and closer to me.

I was still tense, but I was also curious, and I let her closer and closer to me. I was growling more and more softly.

Théni has occupied my empire. Now she dares to snooze not only in the hole of my beautiful cat furniture, but also on the living room table.

Althena is sleeping on our table in the living room.
Althena is sleeping on our table in the living room

As for me, I still refused to play (expressing my displeasure). I only played with Meowmy and with my cups with some treats under them.

Day 5 – July 18, 2023

On Tuesday, Thénus was already walking up and down my empire with a so called “flag tail”. It meaned she was happy and felt herself at home. He even presented a “production”. She jumped onto the kitchen window sill, where I, as a well-behaved cat, never went.

As for me, I still refused to play.

Suddenly, the Little Newcomer ventured out onto my balcony, where we spent some time together. I also shared the rest of my empire with him.

Around six or seven o’clock in the evening, I couldn’t stand the sulking any longer. I really missed spending time with my beloved Meowmy, so I purred for her for a long time while I put my head on her hand. I also asked for tummy stroking. She was very happy that I had undergone such a change as if by magic.

Day 6 – July 19, 2023

The magic didn’t wear off until Wednesday either. At dawn we were together again on the balcony. Later we rested quite close to each other in the living room.

I’ll be honest, I couldn’t stand sulking anymore. I finally had a good game with Meowmy and my favorite ball. She also had played with this ball with Théni before. I couldn’t miss out on this good fun.

On the same day, our noses almost met, but in the end we only got to sniffing. I went out on the balcony, and when I returned to the living room I passed by Théni without grumbling.

Théni continued to walk with a happy tail, and in the evening I finally felt happy too, which I made known to everyone by holding my tail like a flag.

In the evening, I laid my head again on Meowmy’s hand and purred, while he stroked my chin with his other hand.

We both had dinner in the kitchen, although still at a fair distance from each other. This was the first time that Théni, the other Elf, accepted food from our Meowmy’s hand. In addition, he purred louder and more and stretched his chin more and more for stroking. It seems that the already friendly Princess trusts our Meowmy even more.

Day 7 – July 20, 2023

And yes, a week went over… we’re both happily walking up and down in our home with “flag tails”.

Our Meowmy even dared to invite guests. So, her brother and one of her friends came to our place. Théni greeted them very kindly… I, of course, looked at them with the usual His Majesty look. They were absolutely delighted with the Newcomer.

And then I realized something. After all, it is a pure benefit for me that now she also lives with us, the other Maine Coon, who can be stroked as they please… and they finally leave me, the King, alone.

The beginning of a new friendship.
The beginning of a new friendship

Of course, I also realized that I am still Meowmy’s Little Tirus and I don’t have to be jealous of Théni. Our Meowmy shows her love for both of us equally.

And she finally has someone to stroke and play with even when I’d rather quietly relax alone.

I’ll continue our story in my diary soon…

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