The beginning of a new life. The first day of Heart Stealer Ti'ramisu in his new home.

The Beginning of a New Life – Mini Tiri’s first day in his new kingdom

Well, this shy little kitten in the photo would be me, Mini Tiri, or Little Squirrel, as my owner called me at the time. It is the beginning of the secret diary of a Maine Coon, the first page of which offers a glimpse into the soul of a kitten and the beginning of a new life.

This photo marks the beginning of my new life and the end of my happy kitten months with my cat family. Anyone who has not yet read my sad, tearful first night in my new home can gain an insight into the great sorrow of my little kitten’s soul through my owner’s writing.

Mini Tiri's first day in his new home after a night of crying behind the bed.
My first day in his new home after a night of crying behind the bed

Farewell to my cat family and my very first home

The beginning of a new life is often not painless. I sadly remembered the happy months I spent with my Breeder Mom, the care and lots of love I received from her, the happy games with my siblings, and of course, the intimate, happy moments spent with my beautiful Mom.

On the long journey that followed, I silently grieved in my cat carrier because I missed my usual surroundings, and I didn’t understand what was happening to me, why I couldn’t feel the closeness and scent of my dear, caring Mom.

My first night in an unfamiliar environment

Then all of a sudden we arrived, the stranger, who by the way spoke very kindly to me and I felt that he radiated a lot of love in my direction, opened the door of my carrier and I stepped out of it uncertainly. I got to know my litter box, and then, after a few timid steps, I quickly decided to go behind the bed to cry there all night.

The ice melts – the beginning of a new friendship

When the new day dawned, I was still behind the bed immersed in the sea of ​​my great sorrow. Suddenly, the kind stranger started waving a beautiful colorful thing in front of me. After a short time, I couldn’t resist it and ventured out from behind the bed. After the game, the kind giant stroked me.

Then she took out something strange (which he regularly turns towards me when he wants to take a picture) and took this photo of me. The photograph with which my new life began, during which I now look at the lovely giant as my Meowmy, and the previously foreign place as my empire. To the place where I happily live my cat life, where I get all the pampering and loving care from my little owner.

The beginning of a new life - Mini Tiri with the magical feather pole
The beginning of a new life – Me with the magical feather pole


And yes, since the photo was taken, Mini Tiri has quickly grown into Tirus, a beautiful and majestic Maine Coon male cat. However, the playful kitten I was then often breaks out of me, especially during fun games with my Meowmy.

I was not even fully separated from my old home either. Adri, my Breeder Mom, always helps my Meowmy with some helpful tips, if Meowmy has any questions about me. I’d like to thank her for choosing such a loving Meowmy and a super home for me. Now I know that I couldn’t have stayed with her and my cat family, because after 12 weeks of age, the fate of almost every kitten is to find a future dream home.

Tirus soon fell in love with his new kingdom. He placed himself cozy with his Meowmy in their bed.
I soon fell in love with my new kingdom. I placed myself cozy with Meowmy in our bed.

Now I close my lines. I promise you that after this first, slightly more spiritual diary entry, I will try to shine my cheerful, playful and funny, often curious, and usually dignified self.

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