Tirus on his cat tree. Responsible cat ownership.

23+1 questions to answer to a responsible cat ownership

Responsible cat ownership comes with many obligations and abdications. Let’s see what they are! Are you ready for them?

Tirus on his cat tree. Responsible cat ownership.
Responsible cat ownership is very important
  1. Can you accept to adapt your everyday life to your cats’ routine in many ways?
  2. Are you willing to clean the litter box daily or replace the entire cat litter and wash the cat toilet every 3-4 weeks?
  3. Cats like routuines. Can you manage, for example, to feed your cat with wet food daily at the same time?
  4. Do you have enough savings/income to finance the daily, veterinary, and possible unexpected costs of keeping a cat?
  5. Will you have enough time to play with the kitten every day?
  6. Are you ready to take care of your cat’s fur for years, even if he/she might beat or scratch you?
  7. Can you bear it if your cat starts to sharpen his/her claws on your furniture, or damage the apartment or the curtains?
  8. Does it cause problems if the cat climbs on the kitchen table or counter? Sometimes it may happen despite even consistent training.
  9. Isn’t it a problem if you have to clean your home more often? There will be lots of cat hair on the upholstery of the armchairs, sofa, and carpets.
  10. Are you willing to put away the ornaments from the shelves? These usually fragile objects can also be dangerous for the cats. So, it is better to put them in a vitrine before your cat’s arrive.
  11. Can you accept the sight of empty shelves in your home?
  12. Isn’t it a problem if you have to go out with cat hair in your clothes? It usually happens despite frequent fur care.
  13. Can you accept that you may not be away from home for several days so often? During the holidays, e.g. you have to find someone to take care of your cat, or you have to find a cat-friendly place to go where you can take him/her with you.
  14. Is there a veterinary clinic or vet nearby where you can take the cat in case of any problems?
  15. Do all family members agree on keeping a cat, if you don’t live alone?
  16. Is there enough space in your home for the cat’s toys, cat furniture, scratching posts, beds, feeding and drinking places?
  17. If you want to keep more cats, will you have enough time to be at home with them, while they get on well?
  18. Don’t you mind if you can’t train your cat like a dog and if it doesn’t always listen to you?
  19. If you don’t live in your own flat or house, doesn’t the rental contract exclude keeping a cat?
  20. Are you or any of your family members allergic to cat hair? There are hypoallergenic cat breeds, too.
  21. Are you prepared for for the teenage time of your kitten?
  22. Are you willing to give away houseplants that are poisonous to cats?
  23. If you want to have a purebred cat, does your lifestyle meet with the main characteristics of the chosen cat breed?
  24. Do you have enough sense of responsibility to care of your cat in his/her different stages of life?
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