Tirus moved to his new home after he was 12 weeks old.

Maine Coon kitten for sale

Nowadays, you can find many ads (like Maine Coon kitten for sale) on the Internet. It’s good to know that you can also find the ads of good breeders on the Internet. Let’s look at the depth of what kind of ads you can read (in connection with Maine Coon kittens for sale) and what words and phrases refer to a propagator’s activity.

Maine Coon kitten for sale shady ads

Too low price

You can find advertisements, in which Maine Coon kittens are up to 50 000-60 000 HUF (131-158 EUR) for sale. Well, in this case, the certain alarm bell should immediately ring in your head. As you can read in my blog post named ”How much can a Maine Coon kitten cost and what doeas the price depend on?”, a conscientious breeder sells the little fur balls for about 200 000 HUF (525 EUR in Hungary). And this has its reason.

On the other hand, there is a Hungarian proverb: ”Cheap meat has thin soup”. A kitten bought from a propagator can be in a bad physical condition. It can happen, that you have to pay more fold the purchase price for vet. Furthermore, these kittens can die in many cases earlier, so mental pain can occur to their owners. And always remember, every single kitten, bought from a propagator, supports the activity of propagators and degrades the standard and quality of the given breed.

”Maine Coon-like” kitten for sale

Another example, when you read about ”Maine Coon-like” kittens for sale. The kitten’s father owns a pedigree certificate, but his mother is kept as a pet. But how can it be? Kittens, kept as pets are sold by a good breeder with an obligation of neutralization. How can this kind of pet have a pedigree certificate? How can a cat, kept as a pet, have kittens? How can a cat, kept as a pet, be involved also in the breeding stock? This ad raises lots of questions. It can be said that it’s the ad of a propagator, for sure.

When the ad doesn’t emphasize, that the kitten is ”Maine Coon-like” it is an even worse case. You can see in this ad later, that the kitten’s parents is a father with pedigree certificate and a mother without it. However, people who would like to have a cat, but don’t have enough information about the importance of pedigree certificate (and believe that a pure-bred kitten can be bought without it and they can get them with lots of thousands forints cheaper) they can be string along. Meanwhile, you, who have already read my blog post, know, that the price of a pedigree certificate is only some thousands forints (5-8 EUR in Hungary).

Other shady things

It is also a propagator’s ad, if it is stated, that the kitten is sold without a pedigree certificate and the obligation of neutralization.

Be aware that a kitten should be with his/her mother until the age of 12 months. If someone would like to sell you a younger kitten, he/she is a propagator.

Tirus moved to his new home after he was 12 weeks old.
Tirus moved to his new home after he was 12 weeks old

Also, don’t go for ads that say giant Maine Coon kittens are for sale. I have already read an ad about a kitten, whose father was giant. Well, here comes the question. Aren’t Maine Coon cats called gentle giants? How can one know what type of genes inherited the kitten from his/her ancestors? The size of adult cats from the same litter can be various.

There isn’t a color called grey in connection with Maine Coons. But this color can appear in some ads, however a Maine Coon cat with this color doesn’t exist according to the standard.

For propagators (unaccordant with reputable breeders) count only money. They don’t plan the litters and they don’t take into consideration, whether there is a cousinship or not among the mated cats. Because of this, they debase the standard. Furthermore, not appropriate mating can respect negatively the temperament of the kittens.


There are ads, where you can leap your cat with a ”Maine Coon” male cat for x thousands of forints. Here, everything beautiful and good are described, including the fact that the cat doesn’t have a pedigree certificate. Good to know that in this case we can’t talk about Maine Coons, they are only so called ”Maine Coon-like” cats or ”pure-bred like”cats.

And now I’d like to notice a very important thing. There are propagators, who call themselves breeders. Their kittens have pedigree certificates. However, nobody considers the  bloodline in it. The point is, that the kitten has a pedigree certificate, so he/she is a Maine Coon. That’s why I highly recommend reading my blog post about choosing the right breeder.


I tought, it is important to write this blog post, as one of my main objectives is to reduce the activity of propagators. Furthermore, I’d like to promote the protection of the pure cat breeds with pedigree certificate.

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