I'm doing some yoga exercises

Writing a blog? – The beginning of writing my Secret Diary

In my new secret diary series, I look back at the humorous moments of the past years with my beloved Meowmy.

I am adding my funny comments to the many photos that were taken of me by Meowmy at that time!

Firstly, let’s fly back in time to March 19, 2020, when my Meowmy decided to write a blog about me, For that reason, she took a lot of photos, including snapshots of me.

Even in those years I loved to play a lot. My favorites were my various balls (the list of my favorite cat toys is constantly changing).

I also napped a lot on our bed in the evenings, while Meowmy was reading (and as it turned out later, she was taking pictures of me). During napping I often produced different yoga poses (this habit can sometimes be noticed even today).

At that time, I was 2 years old and had lived with my beloved Meowmy for 1 year.

March 19, 2020

The most beautiful photo meowdel
The most beautiful photo meowdel

Well, just so that also Meowmy had a good day… by the way, I don’t know why she would always like me to sit when she has those strange little gadgets in her hands… the bigger one always clicks… Then she’s very happy when I also look at her… She says that’s when I’m the most beautiful photo meowdel… Because she always says how beautiful I am… I don’t understand why it’s a big deal that I sit when she clicks with these gadgets? But if she wants it so much… I’m the king of the house anyway… And I fulfilled her wish and let her be happy.

Of course, his joy was not complete even when she took the above photo of me. She can be very critical at the time she is taking photos. I think, it turned out to be a very good picture of me, but she said that the background was not the right one.

I'm doing some yoga exercises
I’m doing some yoga exercises

Why are you so surprised? Haven’t you ever seen a cat doing yoga exercises?

Relaxing in different yoga poses is a special “cat science”. You will see more photos of me in yoga poses even later.

I'm napping and doing yoga exercises at the same time
I’m napping and doing yoga exercises at the same time

Saving time in the cat way: Do you see it? I can do yoga exercises while taking a nap.

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