Two lions

Maine Coon vs Lion

In my current diary entry we fly back to March 20, 2020. Are Maine Coons really like mini lions? Can a Maine Coon be as big as a lion in a Maine Coon vs lion size competition? I will show you the answer. I will also show you what a clever and smart hunter I am. You will also see what a talent I have for interior design.


Maine Coon and lion
Maine Coon and lion

What did you say? Who is the king of animals? The one behind me?

Two lions
Two lions

Little lion and big lion… but which one is the little lion of the two big cats?

Can you see how big I’ve grown? I’m bigger than a lion cub. 🙂

I'm ready for hunting
I’m ready for hunting

OK, let the Servant be happy… I’m playing with the feathers… and if she’s not paying attention, I’ll get my favorite feathers back. 🙂

During hunting
During hunting

Well, didn’t I say I’d get it back?

Anyway, I always get compliments on what a good hunter I am. As you already know, last year a blue-eyed Maine Coon princess, Théni, is also a member of our little family. Since then, the two of us have been competing for the title of best hunter. 🙂

The difficulty of choice
The difficulty of choice

How can I get that nice thing with feathers without releasing the tablecloth? If I release, Meowmy just turns it up again… I don’t understand why I can’t play with it… but I’ll figure out what to do soon… I’m usually outsmart her mind. 🙂

Well, Meowmy outsmarted my mind
Well, Meowmy outsmarted my mind

I guessed right… I let go the tablecloth and Meowmy immediately moved it away from me… How should I get it back? I will outsmart her mind anyway. 🙂

Me as an interior decorator
Me as an interior decorator

Well, home rearrangement is a very tiring activity. Did I really think that I wanted to be an interior decorator?

Despite everything, I still enjoy redecorating our home. Recently, Théni has also been helping me in this activity. 🙂

Bride cat
Bride cat

What do you say, Meowmy? What a beautiful bride I am, aren’t I? I know you don’t like me playing with tablecloths and curtains, but they are such great toys…

My favorite cushions
My favorite cushions

Lots and lots of soft cushions are the dream of a spoiled cat…

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