How to make a cat-friendly house?
Once again, we have come to a very important topic. Let’s see how you can make your house or flat cat-safe for yourself and your newly arrived four-legged family member. This will save you a lot of annoyance and worry.
Things to do for the sake of making a cat-friendly house before the arrival of the kitten
Even before the arrival of the kitten it is recommended to change the following things in our house for our own sake, in order to avoid possible annoyances later. It is also important to keep in mind the catification of the future ”cat kingdom”. This is very necessary in order to create the safest possible environment for our kitten.
However, the foxiness of cats knows no bounds, as can be seen from the list below, there have been interesting cases in our flat, that the owner wouldn’t even think about. So, it is always worthwile for future owners to think with the cats’ heads.
In our case, with intelligent Maine Coons, you have to pay attention to the fact that they can suddenly ”click” for certain things and then focus only on that. They may not bother with something for weeks, months or even a year, which suddenly lures them to a bit of mischief from the owner’s point of view, but to play from their point of view. That is why it is important that our mini tiger lives in a stimulating environment and that we spend quality time with our cat. Let’s spend enough time playing so that our mini tiger can’t get bored and release his/her unnecessary energy.

The 17 most important things you must do before the kitten’s arrival
- washable wall paint
- magnetic lock or child lock for furniture (for both drawers and wardrobe doors)
- cable spiral
- don’t leave out sharp things
- to pack everything that can be knocked or broken off the shelves
- don’t leave objects with small pieces in front, because small things can be swallowed
- scratching pole for several rooms
- making the balcony cat-proof
- making windows cat-proof
- leaving window sills open, so your cat can jump onto these
- giving away poisonous plants for cats
- sofa cover for those who are very afraid of their sofa (many people don’t want to keep a cat in their flat because of this).
- sheet fastener
- induction hob protector (in case of induction hob)
- mobile charger protector
- remove stickers from furniture and the bottom of chairs (so that your cat couldn’t eat them, because cat’s ingenuity knows no bounds)
- careful containment of household chemicals and poisons. Be careful when cleaning with them, so that your cat doesn’t swallow disinfecting water (for this reason, I prefer to clean with vinegar water).
Damage caused by kitty pranks
It is important not to punish the cat for these nasty things, but to prepare for these kind of damages or similar ones. Some of the damage comes from keeping cats, but in return they also give us a lot of love, which cannot be measured by an objectified world. Think of it as they make the given object unique.
Keep valuables away from your cat. I thought it is important to describe these damages, so that no one should be surprised by them and new owners should be prepared for them. I don’t think that others on the Internet really detail such things in their blog posts.
Of course, such and similar damages also depend on the individual cat. Our family also had cats who didn’t cause any damage in our house. From them we didn’t have to hide the more valuable things and didn’t even have to fear the Christmas tree.
We prefer to prevent the possible damage, but if the problem has happened or before it happens offer your cat some alternative solutions. Read the list below carefully and write in the comment section what kind of annoyances your little furry friend has caused to you?
Always consider what kind of damage a kitten or an adult cat can cause in your house and whether you can tolerate it. You shouldn’t just wave your head that something like this can’t happen to me anyway. It is because for example in our case, for a year a box that seems inaccessible according to me, my Tirus didn’t think the same. Once, he had chewed the papers I hold in this box.
Let’s not even mention the wardrobe in the living room and the laminated floor decorative border slats. With these, he had realized that he was dealing with glued paper and neatly tore it off in large places. The new wardrobe is still adorned with Tirus’ decoration and the decorative border slat had to be replaced. With these pranks Tirus caused a lot of financial damage.

Consider these so that your breeder doesn’t have to look for a new owner because it turns out that the kitten causes too many problems (these may also be typical damages in the adult years) or an adopted kitten doesn’t have to return to the shelter because of this. Such cases can also leave a mark on the soul of the cat.