What cat toys should you choose for your Maine Coon?
Maine Coons are the largest domestic cat breed, so due to their size, there are certain differences between cat toys suitable for them and toys intended for normal cats. However, there is no need to be afraid of this. You just need a little attention when choosing the right toys.
Considering the size of Maine Coon cats, don’t choose very small toy mice or balls for them, because there is a risk of swallowing these little toys. In the same way, in the case of interactive cat toys, make sure that they can reach into it with their large paws, e.g. for the play circuit with a flashing ball or intelligence toys. In same the cases, it is highlighted in the toy description, that they are also suitable for Maine Coons.

Toys that encourage hunting
Since the wild relatives of cats and outdoor domestic cats also hunt, it is important that we play games that encourage and imitate hunting with our indoor cats. Here, observing the prey, scouting, playing with the prey and at the end of the game the reward snack or feeding (i.e. eating the prey) is very important.
The latter is especially important in the case of laser games, when the cat cannot grab the pray with his/her paws. Feeding at the end of such a game is important so the cat shouldn’t become frustrated. Several people, including me, don’t recommend laser games for this reason.
You can buy cat toys in a shop, but you can also make them at home. It’s my own experience that our little pet often prefers to play with a suitable sized paper ball, than with an expensive toy bought in a pet shop.
What is the best cat toy?
Our list of favourite toys changes from time to time. There is always a current favourite and your cat decides which one it is.
It may depend on the cat’s:
- age
- lifestyle: is he/she able to go to a cat-proof enclosure or walk with a harness
- activity level
- blood temper
- nature and character
- breed
The enthusiastic owner can choose from many colorful toys in the shops. However, it is important to know that cats are less affected by colors than by sounds, movements and smells.

This is because our cats don’t see the colors the way we do. They perceive the colors brown, orange, pink and red as different shades of gray. However, their eyes perceive green, blue and to a lesser extent, yellow.
Consistent education is important
In this section I’d like to draw attention to a common mistake of owners, which you should avoid. Always be consistent in teaching your kitten and ask your family member to do the same. This will save you a lot of annoyance later on.
Playing with hands, which is so enthusiastically used by some owners in kittens’ age, deserves special attention here. Don’t make this mistake under any circumstances, as the little teeth will soon turn into sharp teeth, and the little thickling claws into razor-sharp claws. This is true for other cat breeds as well, but especially for Maine Coons, as there is great strength in the large body.
Storage of different cat toys
Here is also a good tip for future cat owners. You should always seal cat toys filled with catnip, in an airtight bag after playing, in order to retain their scent. When it comes to other toys, many people recommend to close everything after playing. This method doesn’t work for us, I sometimes put away a toy for a couple of weeks, then give it again to Tirus. In this way they affect Tirus with the magic of novelty and arouse his curiosity.
Cat-safe toys, e.g. rattling balls, are always freely available for Tirus, so that he can tie himself up with them at any time (he seems to have used them) when he is alone at home. However, it is very important that not cat-proof toys, such as ribbons and feather poles or other toys with parts that can be chewed or swallowed, are always put away in a well-closed place after playing.

Feel safe to buy intelligence-developing toys for your Maine Coons. They can occupy themselves with these alone, and you can also play with them together. Since Maine Coon cats are very smart and intelligent, I strongly recommend such games that make them also mentally busy. The above mentioned advice applies to intelligence-developing games, too.
Types of cat toys
- balls
- poles
- intelligence toys
- chase games
- catnip toys
- valeriana toys
- tunnels and cuddle bags
What is the best time to play?
There is no clear answer to this question. For example, my Tirus prefers morning games after breakfast. In this case, he always indicates that he wants to play.
Cat experts usually recommend having a fixed time to play. According to the literature, the best time is to play before meals or before bedtime. In the first case the cat can evaluate the meal as prey, and in the second case you can tire out your cat that is active at night.
When Tirus was younger, we usually played in the evening, before going to bed. He always signaled that he wanted to play. Some cats (like Tirus) also signale the end of the game. If he is tired he lets me know by resting a little. After a few minutes you should check whether your cat wants to play again.
The importance of playing daily with your cat
Daily play is especially important for indoor cats. Maine Coons are very active when they are young, so they especially need to play both mentally and physically. And in their adult years it is also important to them to move around a bit, while being lazy and to use their mental abilities as well. This is especially true for cats kept alone.
While playing together we can further deepen the relationship between us. We also contribute to keeping our Maine Coon healthy and fit, to the proper training of our cat’s muscles, good metabolism, the discharge of their unnecessary energy and their good mood. As a result, since the energy doesn’t accumulate excessively, you can reduce the so-called ”cat five minutes”, when your cat is running up and down between different parts of your flat.
Your cat can also drain his/her excess energy in another way. This is damage to objects in your flat as well as eating too much food due to aggression or even frustration. It can lead to being overweight.
In conclusion, it is extremely important that you play with your cat on a daily basis. Here, as in all other cases, consistency is important. Change your cat’s toys from time to time and update the set with new pieces. A stimulus rich environment is especially important for indoor cats.
It is also clear from the above-mentioned information, that for the sake of coexistence, keeping a cat is only recommended to those who have enough time for them. It isn’t true that a cat doesn’t need to be taken care of. They do require care.