Althena and Ti'ramisu on the cat-proof balcony

The beginning of a new friendship – The true story of how Ti’ramisu and Althena became good friends – Part 2

By the end of the first week, it seemed that although introducing a new cat to an old one is sometimes not easy, it is not impossible. Let’s see the second week of our story!

Day 8 – July 21, 2023

On Friday, we ate close to each other. There was no more blowing, grunting, maybe just a little meowing. Even in the narrow corridor, we passed each other in silence several times.

Théni was already playing even alone, while I was watching her. I began to like the little princess more and more. I even allowed her to rest on my favorite armchair.

Still we cats hadn’t played together. However, with our Meowmy, I plaeyed a lot with my favorite ball. My playing mood began to return. I played again with big and happy jumpings on the bed, as I did before Théni’s arrival.

We walked happily in our home with our tails flying… peace and harmony seemed to return to our home. Théni has loved hiding places ever since, she has arrived. However, she started to relax even in open places of our home. When I was writing my diary, she was hiding behind the tablecloth, where our Meowmy barely found her.

Day 9 – July 22, 2023

I started the day with purring. Théni’s relationship with our Meowmy became more and more confidential. On Saturday she was stroking her for 15-20 minutes, and Théni was purring loudly.

I can describe this to you, because I was with them that time. Although I was still happy to be on the balcony (I like to be there anyway), I was so curious about what Meowmy were doing that I checked them about twice to see if the little princess was still being stroked.

Meowmy, have always made sure that it doesn’t end in jealousy. She shows her love to us equally. So, when she appeared on the balcony, took me in her lap, and I also received a little energy of love from her.

And just imagine! we were both on the bed for a short time during the day. Our Meowmy took out my favorite hunting toy, the ferret. When Théni also started playing with it, I left the bed (I was such a kind cat ever since she had arrived that I let her play with my toys).

Théni with one of my favorite cat toys.
Théni with one of my favorite cat toys

Then another magic happened during the day. After lunch, Théni rested under the tablecloth again, while one of her little white snow paws was sticking out. And I, the little prince, went over and gently touched mine paw to hers. Théni, who had shown herself to be the braver, now withdrew her snow-white paw, but I continued to sniff there curiously for some time.

Day 10 – July 23, 2023

On Sunday, Théni let our Meowmy get even closer to her. Now she allowed Meowmy to stroke her for almost half an hour. Meanwhile, she was purring loudly.

Day 11 – July 24, 2023

Nothing unusual happened on Monday, except that Théni jumped on the kitchen windowsill again. However, being a smart cat, she understood the word “No” and hasn’t jumped up there since.

I rested peacefully on the top of the sofa and watched Théni playing with the ferret on the sitting area below.

Althena and Tiramisu on the sofa.
Althena and Tiramisu on the sofa

Day 12 – July 25, 2023

On Tuesday, we have a great time near to each other. Moreover, my curiosity began to awaken more and more, and I began to take an interest in the little princess. By now, it has become clear to me that she does not want to hurt me. Théni has shown herself to be a friendly and kind creature.

Day 13 – July 26, 2023

And then another milestone in our lives arrived. It turned out that Théni and I have a common enemy… and it’s a loud thing called vacuum cleaner. Until now, Meowmy hadn’t used it, as I and Théni were under stress. But now she said she had to vacuum our flat. When he looked out on the balcony after vacuuming our home, she found us both on my favorite chest of drawers.

Althena and Tiramisu on the balcony
Althena and Tiramisu on the balcony

After that, it was time for breakfast together on the balcony. Even during the day, we relaxed closer and closer to each other in the living room.

Day 14 – July 27, 2023

And another Thursday arrived again. It meant that Thénus had been living with us for two weeks. To the joy of this, a few minutes before 5 o’clock in the morning, the first joint game took place… I chased Théni, but there was no argument between us. (Since then, this has happened several times, where one of us chases the other, and sometimes vice versa.)

I was more and more interested, so I wanted to get closer to Théni. And I smelled Théni’s nose.

At 9:47 a.m. Théni jumped into Meowmy’s . Théni asked her to stroke.  At 9:55 a.m. Théni jumped on the table, and Meowmy continued to stroke her. Since that time, she loves being on the table, while our Meowmy is working there. Emphasizing my status as a little prince and His Majesty, I looked at what happened with “contemptuous glances”. I think a cat should be a king… no need to overdo the stroking… After that I continued to relax around them.

While Meowmy was teaching Théni my favorite trick with plastic glasses and a snackie under one glass, I showed her how to do it professionally. As a nice, well-behaved Maine Coon, I gave her my favorite reward snack. In return for my kindness, Théni left me the snacks that fell out when Meowmy was refilling the snackball.

And with this day, a new friendship began. I accepted Théni and she also accepted me. Thény and Meowmy also understand each other very well. Our small family now has members of three.

Although my diary entries became rare after that day, as far as the further development of our relationship is concerned, you don’t have to be afraid… in fact… the real fun will really begin now.

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