Relaxing Maine Coon

Ti’ramisu, the acrobat Maine Coon cat

In the newest entry of my secret diary, we go back in time until March 30, 2020. I was in a very acrobatic and playful mood that day. I was like an acrobat Maine Coon cat. However, as usual, I also used my His Majesty’s gaze.


I'm a smart cat, aren't I? Well, how do I get out of here?
I’m a smart cat, aren’t I? Well, how do I get down of here?

The view from here is very good. How do I get down from here? It won’t be good that way… well, I’ll try another way… it won’t be the right way either… What should I do? Well… let’s try it this way… I’ll jump into that big white thing … yes, it worked!

When are we playing?
When are we playing?

What are you doing again? You said you’d just wash the dishes and we’d finally play! Go ahead! Don’t have enough photos of me yet? I want to play!

There are gazes… when one look says it all. Moreover, according to Meowmy, I am getting more and more beautiful, even though I was already beautiful as a kitten.

When do you give me my food?
When do you give me my food?

And the encore…give me my food! So far I’ve only eaten three times today… (this was at 3pm)… Did you say that I had lunch recently? When? I don’t even remember it anymore… What? Will I be a puffy cat? Okay, then we’ll use the purring-flattering style… I see that this gaze doesn’t affect her now… and she can’t resist my flattering anyway… Then I will repeat it again around 5 o’clock or 6:30 pm… I’ll use the tactic of sitting on her lap for a few seconds… And yes, it worked, I got a delicious snack… but only strictly the recommended daily amount, so I don’t turn into a fat cat…

I'm a cool Maine Coon.
I’m a cool Maine Coon

And look what I have found! Another photo of me doing cat yoga.

I tried it one way or another, but relaxing mode with my paw hanging down was the best…

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